question-answer session about steel technology (PBqas410)
"question-answer session about steel technology (PBqas410)"@en .
"dstoxreiter" ,
"public" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2022-04-06Z"^^ .
"56191"^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:06:35.085266"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2011-05-31"^^ .
"2005-06-01"^^ .
"year = {2011},
date = {2011-05-31T00:00:00.000000},
author = {Seidlhofer, Barbara and Breiteneder, Angelika and Klimpfinger, Theresa and Majewski, Stefan and Pitzl, Marie-Luise},
bookauthor = {}," .
""^^ .
"This is a question-answer session after a couple of presentations at a technical business conference focusing on steel technology. S1, who is the chair, assigns speaker turns. The speakers from the audience raise their hands to signal that they have a question, then the microphone is taken to them (which is the reason for the rather long pauses in the conversation). Sometimes speakers also start asking questions before the microphone has arrived. The former panellists (S3, S5, S8), i.e. the speakers who gave presentations preceding this session, then try to provide answers to the questions raised. In the end, S1 thanks all those who actively participated by raising questions and the session is formally closed."@en .
"Words: 1824"@en .
"PBqas410.xml" .
"application/xml" .
"sha1:eeadaaa4735ac38ba208e42d4ce94a03355784f9" .
""^^ .
"PBqas410" .
""^^ .
"56191"^^ .
"" .
"interaction"@en^^ ,
"English as a lingua franca"@en^^ ,
"multilingualism"@en^^ ,
"professional business question-answer session"@en^^ ,
"interculturality"@en^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:06:35.091528"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
""^^ .
"1.0" .