Property | Value(s) |
acdh:hasRelatedDiscipline | |
acdh:hasFunder | |
acdh:hasNonLinkedIdentifier |
Go!Digital 2.0, Project number: GD 2016/24
acdh:hasUrl | |
acdh:hasRightsHolder | |
acdh:hasTitle |
DIAUMA - Digitizing Austrian Dialect Maps
acdh:hasDepositor | |
acdh:hasCreator | |
acdh:hasLicense | |
acdh:hasOwner | |
acdh:hasBinarySize |
48.62 GB
acdh:hasTemporalCoverageIdentifier | |
acdh:hasPid | |
acdh:hasSpatialCoverage | |
acdh:hasUpdatedDate |
acdh:hasAlternativeTitle |
Austrian Dialect Cartography 1924-1956. Digitalisation, Contextualisation, Visualisation
acdh:hasCoverageEndDate |
acdh:hasCompleteness |
The collection in ARCHE includes all maps scanned during the DIAUMA project and the DIAUMA database.
acdh:hasIdentifier |,,
acdh:hasLicensor | |
acdh:createdBy |
acdh:hasOaiSet | |
acdh:hasUpdatedRole |
acdh:aclRead |
sstuhec, public
acdh:hasAvailableDate |
acdh:hasContact | |
acdh:hasLicenseSummary |
CNE: 705 / CC BY 4.0: 91
acdh:hasSubject |
Viennese Dialectological School, language mapping
acdh:hasCoverageStartDate |
acdh:hasPrincipalInvestigator | |
acdh:hasCurator | |
acdh:hasDescription |
The aim of this project was the digitisation of historical language and dialect maps of the (Central) European area from 1924-1956 and the collection of historical information on these maps in a database. The historical data form the basis for a critical examination of the maps, i.e. for a historical contextualisation. Thus, the database contains information on the authors or draughtsmen of the maps, the institutional background of their creation, the year of origin of the maps, the publisher who published them. Both the scans of the maps and the data mentioned are thus accessible in the form of a digital visualisation.
The Project Austrian Dialect Cartography 1924-1956. Digitisation, contextualisation, visualisation is a cooperative project of the "Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundndarten in Österreich" (WBÖ) of the department "Variation und Wandel des Deutschen in Österreich" (VaWADiÖ) of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a satellite project of the special research area "Deutsch in Österreich" (DiÖ) of the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Salzburg and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. |
acdh:hasMetadataCreator | |
acdh:hasHosting | |
acdh:hasExtent |
791 dialect maps, 787 scans, 30 references, 37 persons, 22 institutions, 4 places
acdh:hasNumberOfItems |
acdh:hasLifeCycleStatus | |
acdh:hasCustomCitation |
author = {Zimmermann, Jan David and Watzinger, Alexander and Glauninger, Mafred and Wagner, Klemens and Hackl, Claudia}
acdh:hasAccessRestrictionSummary |
restricted: 705 / public: 88
acdh:hasTemporalCoverage |
20th century
rdf:type | |
acdh:hasLanguage | |
acdh:aclWrite |
Available since 13 11 2020
The aim of this project was the digitisation of historical language and dialect maps of the (Central) European area from 1924-1956 and the collection of historical information on these maps in a database. The historical data form the basis for a critical examination of the maps, i.e. for a historical contextualisation. Thus, the database contains information on the authors or draughtsmen of the maps, the institutional background of their creation, the year of origin of the maps, the publisher who published them. Both the scans of the maps and the data mentioned are thus accessible in the form of a digital visualisation.
The Project Austrian Dialect Cartography 1924-1956. Digitisation, contextualisation, visualisation is a cooperative project of the "Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundndarten in Österreich" (WBÖ) of the department "Variation und Wandel des Deutschen in Österreich" (VaWADiÖ) of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a satellite project of the special research area "Deutsch in Österreich" (DiÖ) of the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Salzburg and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The aim of this project was the digitisation of historical language and dialect maps of the (Central) European area from 1924-1956 and the collection of historical information on these maps in a database. The historical data form the basis for a critical examination of the maps, i.e. for a historical contextualisation. Thus, the database contains information on the authors or draughtsmen of the maps, the institutional background of their creation, the year of origin of the maps, the publisher who published them. Both the scans of the maps and the data mentioned are thus accessible in the form of a digital visualisation.
The Project Austrian Dialect Cartography 1924-1956. Digitisation, contextualisation, visualisation is a cooperative project of the "Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundndarten in Österreich" (WBÖ) of the department "Variation und Wandel des Deutschen in Österreich" (VaWADiÖ) of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a satellite project of the special research area "Deutsch in Österreich" (DiÖ) of the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Salzburg and the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
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