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Hannes Pirker
title Personal Title: Mag.
Type: acdh:Person
label Identifier(s): https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/hpirker

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subtitles Address: Bäckerstraße 13
subtitles Address: c/o ACDH-CH
subtitles City: Vienna
subtitles Region: Vienna
subtitles Country: Austria
subtitles Email: hannes.pirker(at)oeaw.ac.at
Hannes Pirker
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Bäckerstraße 13
Hannes Pirker

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Type: acdh:TopCollection
today Available Date: 1 Jun 2013
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info The AMC was created as part of a public-private cooperation between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austria Press Agency (APA).
Thanks to the efforts of APA, the AMC covers a great portion of the Austrian media landscape of the past three decades, comprising a wide range of text types which can be classified as journalistic prose (Austrian newspapers, magazines, press releases). The texts in the AMC are lemmatized and tagged with part-of-speech labels. The corpus can be accessed via a corpus search engine (SketchEngine) on the premises of the institute. Versioning in the collection: Identical major version numbers (e.g. 2.x) indicate, that these versions have been processed using the very same tools and parameters. Increasing minor version numbers (e.g. 2.1, 2.2 ...) indicate the addition of new data. I.e. with increasing version numbers the corpora are monotonically growing.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Oct 2014 Version: 2.0
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info The AMC was created as part of a public-private cooperation between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
The AMC covers a great portion of the Austrian media landscape of the past three decades, comprising a wide range of text types which can be classified as journalistic prose (Austrian newspapers, magazines, press releases).
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 30 Nov 2015 Version: 2.1
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info The AMC was created as part of a public-private cooperation between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
The AMC covers a great portion of the Austrian media landscape of the past three decades, comprising a wide range of text types which can be classified as journalistic prose (Austrian newspapers, magazines, press releases).
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 30 Aug 2016 Version: 2.2
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info The AMC was created as part of a public-private cooperation between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
The AMC covers a great portion of the Austrian media landscape of the past three decades, comprising a wide range of text types which can be classified as journalistic prose (Austrian newspapers, magazines, press releases).
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 30 Jan 2017 Version: 2.3
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info The AMC was created as part of a public-private cooperation between the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Press Agency (APA).
The AMC covers a great portion of the Austrian media landscape of the past three decades, comprising a wide range of text types which can be classified as journalistic prose (Austrian newspapers, magazines, press releases).
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Apr 2022 Version: 3.0
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info This business meeting takes place at [org1], the internationally operating company all participants work for, and is organized by the Austrian headquarters, with S1 and S2 being the German-speaking hosts. The purpose of the meeting is to brief the people in charge on a new campaign and inform them about how to publicly represent a new environmentally friendly product/project. S3, one of the executive staff members, presents new strategies and informs the others about latest developments and the course of action to be taken. Her non-scripted presentation is supported by powerpoint slides throughout a good part of the meeting. S3 also chairs the meeting in a way, though, as becomes evident during the interaction, the others do interrupt her at some points. S3 seems to be one of the company's major PR managers, mediating between company internal and external people. The other participants come from daughter companies/branch offices of the company in different countries and do not seem to converse with each other on a regular basis, although some do appear to be at least acquainted with each other. They are mainly listening, commenting and discussing how to introduce and realize the campaign in their respective countries. S2 appears to be superior to the others in the company's hierarchy. The names of the company's products have been anonymized in this transcript. Note that [thing1] is a plural noun in most cases.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Apr 2022 Version: 3.0
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info This business meeting takes place at [org5]. S4, S5 and S6 are employees of [org5]. S1 is the head of [org25], a company which distributes the products of [org5] abroad. S1 and her employees S3 and S7 are visiting [org5] and the meeting happens on the occasion of this visit. After a short introductory small talk phase, the speakers discuss the promotion activities undertaken by S1's company and look at pictures of these activities in materials S1 and her colleagues have brought. In the course of the meeting, they also look at and talk about various promotion products and product samples. All participants have met before and so are acquainted with each other. S7 is a participant but hardly says anything. S2 is the researcher and does not participate in the meeting. [Thing1] is a new product of [org5] which has been launched by S1's company [org25] in Serbia. [Thing2], [thing3], [thing4], [thing5], [thing6] and [thing7] are all food products from other companies; [thing10], [thing11], [thing12] and [thing13] are different magazines in which promotions were placed. [Org5] refers not only to the company itself but also their brand name and all of their products if not further specified. Many [org] items also refer to supermarket chains were the products are being sold.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Apr 2022 Version: 3.0
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info This business meeting takes place at [org1]. S3 and S5 are employees of [org1]. S2 and S4 are employees of a distribution company which distributes, markets and sells the products of [org1] abroad. S2 and S4 are visiting [org1] and the meeting happens at the occasion of this visit. S2 and S4 have brought some presentation materials with sales statistics of [org1]'s products, which S4 explains and discusses with S3 and S5. S2 adds some comments with regard to the current circumstances of selling the product in shops and supermarkets. [Thing1] is the main product of [org1]. S2 and S4 also introduce a special product they have created for their country which also includes [thing1]. There is a very friendly and humorous atmosphere and the content of the meeting often leads to jokes and laughter and humorous remarks. S1 is the researcher and does not participate in the meeting. S6 is not a participant either and only enters the room to bring refreshments at one point. The meeting ends when the participants decide to take a break.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Apr 2022 Version: 3.0
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info This business meeting takes place at [org1]. S3 and S4 are employees of [org1]. S2 is the head of [org33], a company which distributes the products of [org1] abroad. S2 and her employees S1 and S7 are visiting [org1] and this meeting is part of their visit to Austria. A casual conversation between S2, S3 and S4, which takes place during a coffee break, immediately preceded this meeting. The meeting as such starts when S1 and S7 come back into the room. The speakers talk about the past and future orders [org33] has placed and will place at [org1]. S1 talks on the mobile phone with an employee of S2's company at several points during the meeting to clarify what they are ordering. S1 and S2 mention several supermarket chains and retail shops in their countries which are anonymized as [org] items. [Thing1] and [thing2] are the main products of [org1]. After discussing the orders and figures, S3 introduces the product news for the next year. Ten minutes before the meeting ends, S5, a high representative of [org1], joins the meeting. All participants have met before and so are acquainted with each other. S8 does not participate in the meeting but is responsible for the catering.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 6 Apr 2022 Version: 3.0
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info This business meeting takes place at [org1], a food company in Austria. S3, S4 and S5 are colleagues and employees of [org1], S1 and S2 are colleagues and employees of [org6], a distribution company which distributes, markets, and sells the products of [org1] in Korea. The meeting takes place on the occasion of S1's and S2's visit. S1 and S2 have never met S4 and S3, but they have met S5 on a few occasions. This is the main reason why S5 participates in the meeting, as someone acquainted with all participants and because she knows the past history of the two companies and their work. S4 has just taken over responsibility for the Korean market from another colleague who is not present at the meeting. The meeting therefore serves to establish personal contact and working relations between S1, S2 and predominantly S4. S4 also chairs the meeting. S3 has just joined [org1] and is a new employee. He mainly assists S4. In addition to establishing personal contact, the meeting also serves to give S4, S3 and S5 an overview of promotion activities done in Korea and to inform S1 and S2 about product news, which happens in the second portion of the meeting. There is generally a good atmosphere throughout the meeting.
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