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Andreas Dittrich
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Andreas Dittrich

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Type: acdh:Publication
today Available Date: 3 Mar 2020
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info Master thesis, University of Vienna, 2017
Type: acdh:TopCollection
today Available Date: 3 Mar 2020
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info The Digital Ilse Aichinger List of Literature (`dial`) aims at bibliographically listing as many published texts as possible by Ilse Aichinger (1921–2016). A complete bibliography has not yet been provided. Holdings of various archives and catalogs were searched (see section `Research sources` in readme_english.md), above all from the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (`DLA`), who also funded the project within the framework of the Forschungsverbund MWW with a fellowship. The `dial` thus comprises 2212 entries at the moment, 676 of which are to be understood as original publications and thus as work entities (as of November 2021).
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 3 Mar 2020 Version: 1.0
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info The file `dial_20200211.bib` is a text file which follows the syntax of `BibLatex` (see ctan.org/pkg/BibLatex). It can either be set with `Latex` for example into a `PDF` (see Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) or imported into software which can process the format (for example JabRef).
In the long-term archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ARCHE the current state of the `dial` is stored (Repository ID: dial_12450). In addition, it was imported to Wikidata (wikidata.org/wiki/Q54007056) with the corresponding vocabulary, so that the bibliogaphical data are openly accessible and changeable.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 1 Dec 2021 Version: 1.1
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info The file `dial_20211203.bib` is a text file which follows the syntax of `BibLatex` (see ctan.org/pkg/BibLatex). It can either be set with `Latex` for example into a `PDF` (see Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) or imported into software which can process the format (for example JabRef).
In the long-term archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ARCHE the current state of the `dial` is stored (Repository ID: dial_12450). In addition, it was imported to Wikidata (wikidata.org/wiki/Q54007056) with the corresponding vocabulary, so that the bibliogaphical data are openly accessible and changeable.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 3 Mar 2020 Version: 1.0
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info PDF export of `dial_20200211.bib` with LaTex.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 1 Dec 2021 Version: 1.1
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info PDF export of `dial_20211203.bib` with LaTex.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 3 Mar 2020 Version: 1.0
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info LaTex file for the PDF export of `dial_20200211.bib`.
Type: acdh:Resource
today Available Date: 1 Dec 2021 Version: 1.1
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info LaTex file for the PDF export of `dial_20211203.bib`.
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