Property | Value(s) |
acdh:hasCollectedStartDate |
acdh:hasLicenseSummary |
CC0 1.0: 3027 / CC BY 4.0: 16
acdh:hasSpatialCoverage | |
acdh:hasUpdatedDate |
acdh:hasBinarySize |
1.77 GB
acdh:hasCustomCitation |
author = {Czeitschner, Ulrike and Krautgartner, Barbara}
acdh:hasLanguage | |
acdh:hasAppliedMethod |
TEI schema customization, tokenization, OCR, XML/TEI structural and semantic annotation, part-of-speech-tagging, SKOS data modelling, index file creation, image creation (scanning, photography), lemmatization
acdh:hasCurator | |
acdh:hasCreator | |
acdh:createdBy |
acdh:hasIdentifier |,,,
acdh:hasDepositor | |
acdh:hasCoverageStartDate |
acdh:hasAccessRestrictionSummary |
public: 3032
acdh:hasSubject |
historical travel guides, Karl Baedeker
acdh:hasCreatedEndDate |
acdh:hasCompleteness |
project completed, no further changes
acdh:hasRelatedDiscipline | |
acdh:hasTitle |
travel!digital Collection
acdh:hasLicensor | |
acdh:aclRead |
acdh:hasOwner | |
acdh:hasNumberOfItems |
acdh:hasCollectedEndDate |
acdh:hasContributor | |
acdh:hasBinaryUpdatedRole |
acdh:hasLifeCycleStatus | |
acdh:hasRightsHolder | |
acdh:hasAppliedMethodDescription |
Czeitschner (project manager): image creation, OCR, XML/TEI tagging, TEI schema customization, index file creation, manual correction of lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging, SKOS data modelling, Thesaurus enrichment;
Eisenheld (student assistant): manual correction of lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging; Krautgartner (data manager): index file creation, tokenization, automatically lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging, interlinking of corpus and thesaurus; Lanig (student assistant): manual correction of lemmatization and part-of-speech tagging; Schopper (technical support): TEI schema customization; AAC: image creation |
acdh:hasActor | |
acdh:hasLicense | |
acdh:hasDescription |
A digital collection of early German travel guides on non-European countries which were released by the Baedeker publishing house between 1875 and 1914. The collection consists of the travel!digital Corpus (XML/TEI transcriptions of first editions (5 volumes) including structural, semantic and linguistic annotations), the travel!digital Facsimiles (scans and photographs of the historical prints), the travel!digital Auxiliary Files (a TEI schema of the annotations applied in the corpus, and a list of term labels for indexing names of persons annotated in the corpus), and the travel!digital Thesaurus (a SKOS vocabulary covering designations of groups and selected sights annotated in the corpus).
The collection was created within the GO!DIGITAL 1.0 project "travel!digital. Exploring People and Monuments in Baedeker Guidebooks (1875-1914)", Project-Nr.: ÖAW0204. Image creation was done in 2004 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAC-Austrian Academy Corpus). |
acdh:hasExtent |
Total: 4 folders, 6 subfolders, 3031 files
(Auxiliary Files: 1 subfolder with 3 files, 1 file; Corpus: 5 files; Images: 5 subfolders with 3021 files; Thesaurus: 1 file) |
acdh:hasContact | |
acdh:hasHosting | |
acdh:hasAvailableDate |
acdh:hasCreatedStartDate |
acdh:hasMetadataCreator | |
acdh:hasVersion |
acdh:hasCoverageEndDate |
acdh:hasUpdatedRole |
rdf:type | |
acdh:hasPrincipalInvestigator | |
acdh:hasFunder | |
acdh:hasPid | |
acdh:hasOaiSet | |
acdh:hasUrl |
Available since 03 09 2018
A digital collection of early German travel guides on non-European countries which were released by the Baedeker publishing house between 1875 and 1914. The collection consists of the travel!digital Corpus (XML/TEI transcriptions of first editions (5 volumes) including structural, semantic and linguistic annotations), the travel!digital Facsimiles (scans and photographs of the historical prints), the travel!digital Auxiliary Files (a TEI schema of the annotations applied in the corpus, and a list of term labels for indexing names of persons annotated in the corpus), and the travel!digital Thesaurus (a SKOS vocabulary covering designations of groups and selected sights annotated in the corpus).
The collection was created within the GO!DIGITAL 1.0 project "travel!digital. Exploring People and Monuments in Baedeker Guidebooks (1875-1914)", Project-Nr.: ÖAW0204.
Image creation was done in 2004 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAC-Austrian Academy Corpus).
A digital collection of early German travel guides on non-European countries which were released by the Baedeker publishing house between 1875 and 1914. The collection consists of the travel!digital Corpus (XML/TEI transcriptions of first editions (5 volumes) including structural, semantic and linguistic annotations), the travel!digital Facsimiles (scans and photographs of the historical prints), the travel!digital Auxiliary Files (a TEI schema of the annotations applied in the corpus, and a list of term labels for indexing names of persons annotated in the corpus), and the travel!digital Thesaurus (a SKOS vocabulary covering designations of groups and selected sights annotated in the corpus).
The collection was created within the GO!DIGITAL 1.0 project "travel!digital. Exploring People and Monuments in Baedeker Guidebooks (1875-1914)", Project-Nr.: ÖAW0204.
Image creation was done in 2004 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAC-Austrian Academy Corpus).
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