Property | Value(s) |
acdh:hasExtent |
12311 photos, 14 tables
acdh:hasDescription |
The ELLViA Corpus was compiled within the eponymous project `ELLViA - English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria´, which investigates written language use and language choice in Viennese public space from a sociolinguistic perspective. The ELLViA Corpus consists of photographic images that were taken in the streets of Vienna in 2015 (with some little post-hoc remedial fieldwork in early 2016), as well as of tables containing their sociolinguistic annotation. The photographs document all linguistic landscape (LL) items (i.e. ‘things with text on them’, such as signs, stickers, poles, windows, dispensers, hydrants, screws etc.) that were exhaustively searched and identified within 12 predefined and rigorously delimited survey areas (street sections) from 6 selected administrative districts in Vienna. In each of the 6 districts, 2 types of street were sampled for comparison: commercial and residential. The 12 survey areas (all of approx. 200m length) cover mostly one but on two occasions also more streets (once two, once four), viz. the building facades, sidewalks, and roadways.
Each photograph in the collection contains one or more LL item(s); and each LL item is recorded on one or more photographs (for reasons of ensuring sharp focus and completeness of visibility). In other words, some LL items were photographed multiple times (in part or as a whole), while some sets of identical LL items are represented by only a single photograph. The correspondence of items and photographs is thus NOT 1:1. Additional photographs show the street sections in their entirety or in parts, to document the context. After data collection on site was completed, all photos were checked for faces, license plates, and private doorbell tags showing names, and all respective information was blurred in a post-edit. These post-edited photographs are archived here. For annotation and to relate each LL item to its respective photograph(s), there are two tables for each of the 12 street sections that make up the sample. One set of tables lists each LL item (with a unique identifier) for a given street section, and provides the unique ID number of the photograph(s) pertaining to each particular LL item (and to its environmental context). The tables also record the street, street number, and date of photography. Additional information comprises the coding assigned to each LL item in the process of sociolinguistic analysis. A second set of tables records all buildings along a particular street section covered, together with the ID number of the photographs documenting each, as well as a list of the establishments (shops, restaurants, etc.) and `street furniture´ (hydrants, traffic signs, bike stands etc.) in a particular building or in its immediate proximity. Two additional tables pertaining to all 12 street sections are also provided, which display the coding scheme applied in annotation (1) regarding the LL items and (2) regarding the buildings. This scheme is the same for all data. |
acdh:hasCurator | |
acdh:hasLifeCycleStatus | |
acdh:hasAccessRestrictionSummary |
restricted: 12337 / public: 1
acdh:hasCreatedStartDate |
acdh:hasSubject |
language choice, language contact, language variation, written language in public space, multilingualism, linguistic landscape
acdh:hasCompleteness |
Data are final. No further data collection is planned.
acdh:aclWrite |
acdh:hasPrincipalInvestigator | |
acdh:hasAppliedMethod |
photography in public, textual annotation
acdh:hasPid | |
acdh:createdBy |
acdh:hasSpatialCoverage | |
acdh:hasRelatedDiscipline | |
acdh:hasTitle |
The ELLViA Corpus
acdh:hasRestrictionRole |
acdh:hasContributor | |
acdh:hasNonLinkedIdentifier |
Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Project Number V394-G23
acdh:hasCollectedEndDate |
acdh:hasOwner | |
acdh:hasMetadataCreator | |
acdh:hasCreatedEndDate |
acdh:hasLicenseSummary |
InC: 12392 / CC BY 4.0: 1
acdh:hasAvailableDate |
acdh:hasOaiSet | |
acdh:hasRightsHolder | |
acdh:hasCoverageEndDate |
acdh:hasAlternativeTitle |
ELLViA - English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria
acdh:hasIdentifier |,,
acdh:hasArrangement |
Photos are stored in 12 folders. There is one folder for each street section sampled for the project. Each street folder contains 1-6 subfolders in which the photographs are collected, apportioned according to the date on which they were taken. Each street folder also contains one table with the annotation (listing and coding) of all LL items found in that particular street section.
acdh:hasFunder | |
acdh:hasHosting | |
acdh:hasLanguage | |
acdh:hasEditor | |
acdh:hasUpdatedRole |
acdh:hasCreator | |
acdh:aclRead |
rdf:type | |
acdh:hasUpdatedDate |
acdh:hasUsedHardware |
Photography used a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ61 digital camera with 30x optical zoom.
acdh:hasCollectedStartDate |
acdh:hasNamingScheme |
Each folder for one street section is named for the respective Viennese administrative district and the street(s) where photography took place. The subfolders are named for district, street, and date of photography. Each photograph in these folders has a unique identifier (running number). Each table in these folders is named for the street covered and for whether it provides the Coding of Individual LL Items or the Description of the Buildings on this street.
acdh:hasUsedSoftware |
Adobe Photoshop CS6 was used in post-editing to blur any faces, doorbell tags with names, and license plates on the photos. Adobe Bridge was used to create tifs from the originals for archiving.
acdh:hasBinarySize |
243.57 GB
acdh:hasDepositor | |
acdh:hasNumberOfItems |
acdh:hasCoverageStartDate |
acdh:hasContact | |
acdh:hasLicensor | |
acdh:hasUrl |
Available since 04 03 2022
The ELLViA Corpus was compiled within the eponymous project `ELLViA - English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria´, which investigates written language use and language choice in Viennese public space from a sociolinguistic perspective. The ELLViA Corpus consists of photographic images that were taken in the streets of Vienna in 2015 (with some little post-hoc remedial fieldwork in early 2016), as well as of tables containing their sociolinguistic annotation. The photographs document all linguistic landscape (LL) items (i.e. ‘things with text on them’, such as signs, stickers, poles, windows, dispensers, hydrants, screws etc.) that were exhaustively searched and identified within 12 predefined and rigorously delimited survey areas (street sections) from 6 selected administrative districts in Vienna. In each of the 6 districts, 2 types of street were sampled for comparison: commercial and residential. The 12 survey areas (all of approx. 200m length) cover mostly one but on two occasions also more streets (once two, once four), viz. the building facades, sidewalks, and roadways.
Each photograph in the collection contains one or more LL item(s); and each LL item is recorded on one or more photographs (for reasons of ensuring sharp focus and completeness of visibility). In other words, some LL items were photographed multiple times (in part or as a whole), while some sets of identical LL items are represented by only a single photograph. The correspondence of items and photographs is thus NOT 1:1. Additional photographs show the street sections in their entirety or in parts, to document the context. After data collection on site was completed, all photos were checked for faces, license plates, and private doorbell tags showing names, and all respective information was blurred in a post-edit. These post-edited photographs are archived here.
For annotation and to relate each LL item to its respective photograph(s), there are two tables for each of the 12 street sections that make up the sample. One set of tables lists each LL item (with a unique identifier) for a given street section, and provides the unique ID number of the photograph(s) pertaining to each particular LL item (and to its environmental context). The tables also record the street, street number, and date of photography. Additional information comprises the coding assigned to each LL item in the process of sociolinguistic analysis. A second set of tables records all buildings along a particular street section covered, together with the ID number of the photographs documenting each, as well as a list of the establishments (shops, restaurants, etc.) and `street furniture´ (hydrants, traffic signs, bike stands etc.) in a particular building or in its immediate proximity. Two additional tables pertaining to all 12 street sections are also provided, which display the coding scheme applied in annotation (1) regarding the LL items and (2) regarding the buildings. This scheme is the same for all data.
The ELLViA Corpus was compiled within the eponymous project `ELLViA - English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria´, which investigates written language use and language choice in Viennese public space from a sociolinguistic perspective. The ELLViA Corpus consists of photographic images that were taken in the streets of Vienna in 2015 (with some little post-hoc remedial fieldwork in early 2016), as well as of tables containing their sociolinguistic annotation. The photographs document all linguistic landscape (LL) items (i.e. ‘things with text on them’, such as signs, stickers, poles, windows, dispensers, hydrants, screws etc.) that were exhaustively searched and identified within 12 predefined and rigorously delimited survey areas (street sections) from 6 selected administrative districts in Vienna. In each of the 6 districts, 2 types of street were sampled for comparison: commercial and residential. The 12 survey areas (all of approx. 200m length) cover mostly one but on two occasions also more streets (once two, once four), viz. the building facades, sidewalks, and roadways.
Each photograph in the collection contains one or more LL item(s); and each LL item is recorded on one or more photographs (for reasons of ensuring sharp focus and completeness of visibility). In other words, some LL items were photographed multiple times (in part or as a whole), while some sets of identical LL items are represented by only a single photograph. The correspondence of items and photographs is thus NOT 1:1. Additional photographs show the street sections in their entirety or in parts, to document the context. After data collection on site was completed, all photos were checked for faces, license plates, and private doorbell tags showing names, and all respective information was blurred in a post-edit. These post-edited photographs are archived here.
For annotation and to relate each LL item to its respective photograph(s), there are two tables for each of the 12 street sections that make up the sample. One set of tables lists each LL item (with a unique identifier) for a given street section, and provides the unique ID number of the photograph(s) pertaining to each particular LL item (and to its environmental context). The tables also record the street, street number, and date of photography. Additional information comprises the coding assigned to each LL item in the process of sociolinguistic analysis. A second set of tables records all buildings along a particular street section covered, together with the ID number of the photographs documenting each, as well as a list of the establishments (shops, restaurants, etc.) and `street furniture´ (hydrants, traffic signs, bike stands etc.) in a particular building or in its immediate proximity. Two additional tables pertaining to all 12 street sections are also provided, which display the coding scheme applied in annotation (1) regarding the LL items and (2) regarding the buildings. This scheme is the same for all data.
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