Ladder E-Mail: Request Professor The data is part of the LADDER web project ( and was collected between 2020 and 2023. The corpus consists of Italian e-mails from native speakers and learners of Italian. Most of the informants are university students, and the e-mails were elicited with two different prompts in both of which there is a high level of social distance between sender and recipient. Along with the texts, metadata were also registered with the help of an online questionnaire giving sociolinguistic information about the informant (age, self-assessed language level, place of residence, native language, etc.). Furthermore, the performed speech acts were requests and the situational contexts of the speech acts can be described as follows: Scenario 1: Sender is asking for something that he/she is not entitled to Scenario 2: Sender is asking for something that he/she is entitled to The collected e-mail responses from the first scenario amount to 13,152 tokens, and the e-mails from the second scenario amount to 11,456 tokens, resulting in a total of 24,608 tokens. The prompts were presented in Italian, as follows: Mail a) Immagina di star facendo un corso con il Dr. Nicola Brocca. Domani devi fare una presentazione in classe. Non hai avuto tempo per studiare perché dovevi prepararti a un esame di inglese e ti accorgi che il materiale da presentare è più di quello che avevi previsto. Scrivi una mail al professore: la tua speranza è spostare la presentazione. Engl: Imagine you are taking a course with Dr. Nicola Brocca. Tomorrow you have to give a presentation in class. You had no time to study because you had to prepare for an English exam, and you realize that there is more material to present than you had imagined. You write an email to the professor: your hope is to reschedule the presentation. Mail b) Hai fatto un corso con il Dr. Brocca. Hai consegnato il tuo portfolio il 01.02.2020 adesso è il 01.03.2020 e non hai ancora ricevuto il voto. Ti serve il voto per registrarti per una borsa di studio. Manda una mail al prof.: il tuo obiettivo è ricevere il voto al più presto Engl: You have taken a course with Dr. Brocca. You turned in your portfolio on 02/01/2020, it is now 03/01/2020 and you have not received the grade yet. You need the grade to register for a scholarship. Send an email to the professor: your goal is to receive the grade as soon as possible. Contact: Metadata Creator: Nicola Brocca Research Discipline: Linguistics Subject: Corpus of Computer-Mediated Communication for the Analysis of the Acquisition of Pragmalinguistic Competences, L1 and L2 Related Collections: Ladder Instant Messages corpus, DisDir corpus Time of Data Collection: 2020-2023 Available Since: first version of the corpus published in June 2021 in Zenodo: