travel!digital Auxiliary Files
"travel!digital Auxiliary Files"@en .
"public" .
"admin" .
"public: 4"@en^^ ,
"öffentlich: 4"@de^^ .
"index file creation"@und^^ ,
"TEI schema customization"@und^^ .
"Czeitschner: TEI schema customization, index file creation;
Krautgartner: index file creation;
Schopper: TEI schema customization"@en .
"2018-09-03T10:18:53.705Z"^^ .
"3864198"^^ .
"admin" .
"project completed, no further changes"@en .
"2018-01-26T00:00:00"^^ .
"2018-01-23T00:00:00"^^ .
"author = {Krautgartner, Barbara and Schopper, Daniel and Czeitschner, Ulrike}" .
"A TEI schema of annotations applied in the travel!digital Corpus in html-, odd- and rng-format.
A list of term labels for indexing names of persons annotated in the travel!digital Corpus in XML-format."@en .
"1 folder, 3 files (TEI-schema in odd-, rng- and html-format);
1 file (term labels of names of persons in xml-format)"@en .
"Auxiliary_Files" .
"CC BY 4.0: 6"@de^^ ,
"CC BY 4.0: 6"@en^^ .
"5"^^ .
""^^ .
"2021-07-15T08:54:12.686934"^^ .
"uczeitschner" .
""^^ .
"1" .