"Pottery3DModels"@en .
"sstuhec" .
"öffentlich: 2286"@de^^ ,
"public: 2286"@en^^ .
"DEFC pottery 3D models"@en .
"2022-08-19T08:38:05.853010"^^ .
"26419176435"^^ .
"2017-09-30"^^ .
"2015-04-01"^^ .
"author = {Štuhec, Seta and Alram-Stern, Eva and Bochatz, Dominik}" .
"The DEFC pottery 3D models collection contains archaeological metadata, provenance metadata and the 3D data. Archaeological metadata contains information about the provenance, ware, form, surface treatment, decoration and parallels of the pottery sherds. Provenance metadata describe the creation process of 3D models."@en .
"Pottery3DModels" .
"CC0 1.0: 2195 / CC BY 4.0: 183"@en^^ ,
"CC0 1.0: 2195 / CC BY 4.0: 183"@de^^ .
"2382"^^ .
""^^ .
"2022-08-19T09:51:28.974001"^^ .
"sstuhec" .
""^^ .
"Breuckmann smart Scan HE 5 Megapixel Colour 3D Scanner" .