Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC)
"Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC)"@en .
"sstuhec" .
"öffentlich: 2542"@de^^ ,
"public: 2542"@en^^ .
"2022-08-19T08:38:01.860972"^^ .
"26512198265"^^ .
"-1900-12-31"^^ .
"-10200-01-01"^^ .
"2017-10-31"^^ .
"2014-11-01"^^ .
"author = {Aspöck, Edeltraud and Štuhec, Seta and Andorfer, Peter and Masur, Anja and Zaytseva, Ksenia}" .
"The Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC) collection includes data gathered within the identically named project that ran between 2014 and 2017 at the former Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA) in close collaboration with the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
The project focused on data about Neolithic sites and finds from Greece and Anatolia, most resulting from projects of the Aegean Anatolian Prehistoric Phenomena (AAPP) research group (at OREA). The aim of the project was to enable research across the whole region and to overcome the issue of fragmentation of knowledge through differing terminology, chronologies, and typologies whilst complying with standards of data interoperability and data sharing. To achieve this, an online Django-based database was created – the DEFC App. The DEFC collection in ARCHE contains data of the DEFC app (an SQL database dump, 3D models with provenance metadata, CIDOC CRM mappings, maps and chronological tables, the project thesaurus and the bibliography) as well as DEFC project documentation (workflow description and reports).
The SQL database includes data from the following publications (data entry in 2016 and 2017 by M. Brzakovic, Th. Rinner, D. Bochatz, Sh. Schilk):
ALRAM-STERN, E., 2014. Times of Change: Greece and the Aegean during the 4th Millennium BC, in: B. Horejs, M. Mehofer (ed.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC. Proceedings of the International Symposium, KHM, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 November 2012 (ÖAW Verlag, Vienna), pp. 305-338.
ALRAM-STERN, E., 1996. Die Ägäische Frühzeit. Band 1: Das Neolithikum in Griechenland. Veröffentlichungen der Mykenischen Kommission 16.
ALRAM-STERN, E., unpublished. Die Ägäische Frühzeit. Band 2: Ägäische Frühzeit: Das Neolithische Und Vorpalatiale Kreta.
GALLIS, K., 1992. Atlas Proistorikón Oikismón Tés Anatolikés Thessalikés Pediada.
MEHOFER, M. 2014. Metallurgy during the Chalcolithic and the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia, in: B. Horejs, M. Mehofer (ed.), Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC. Proceedings of the International Symposium, KHM, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 November 2012 (ÖAW Verlag, Vienna), pp. 463-490.
ÖZDOĞAN, M.; BAŞGELEN, N.; KUNIHOLM, P. (ed.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research. Volume 1 - The Tigris Basin, 2011, Istanbul.
ÖZDOĞAN, M.; BAŞGELEN, N.; KUNIHOLM, P. (ed.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research. Volume 2 - The Euphrates Basin, 2011, Istanbul.
ÖZDOĞAN, M.; BAŞGELEN, N.; KUNIHOLM, P. (ed.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research. Volume 3 – Central Turkey, 2012, Istanbul.
ÖZDOĞAN, M.; BAŞGELEN, N.; KUNIHOLM, P. (ed.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research. Volume 4 – Western Turkey, 2012, Istanbul.
SCHACHERMEYR, F. (†), 1991. Sammlung Fritz Schachermeyr: Die neolithische Keramik Thessaliens. Aus dem Nachlass bearbeitet von Eva Alram-Stern. Veröffentlichungen der Mykenischen Kommission 13.
SCHWALL, Ch, 2016. Çukuriçi Höyük 2. Das 5. und 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in Westanatolien und der Ostägäis. PhD thesis.
Additionally, 3D models of 90 representative sherds from the Schachermeyr pottery collection were 3D digitised with a Breuckmann smart Scan. The 3D models and their metadata were linked to the database and integrated into the DEFC homepage using 3DHOP (see the publication list).
Creating the DEFC app, the following data standards and tools were used:
Django framework was used to create the database itself, source code available at
The database has been mapped to the CIDOC CRM, and the SPARQL query was made available on the DEFC app homepage. The mapping, documentation and exported RDFs are available in this collection.
The thesaurus was mapped to SKOS and is available in this collection and at
Geolocations of archaeological sites were linked to Geonames (
Bibliographic units were entered in a Zotero database. The bibliography is available in this collection and at
Chronological periods were entered into the PeriodO gazetteer of period definitions (DEFC Collection available at
The Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC) project was a project of the first generation of the Austrian go! digital projects (ACDH 2014/22). It received additional funding from the EU infrastructure project ARIADNE (FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2012-1-313193)."@en .
"CC0 1.0: 2195 / CC BY 4.0: 439"@de^^ ,
"CC0 1.0: 2195 / CC BY 4.0: 439"@en^^ .
"BMWFW – ÖAW/ACDH go!digital: Antrag ACDH 2014/22" ,
"FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES:2012-1-313193" .
"2653"^^ .
""^^ .
"quarry"@en^^ ,
"cemetery"@en^^ ,
"grave"@en^^ ,
"cave"@en^^ ,
"thesaurus"@en^^ ,
"Bronze Age sites"@en^^ ,
"Chalcholithic sites"@en^^ ,
"botany"@en^^ ,
"online site database"@en^^ ,
"rockshelter"@en^^ ,
"Neolithic Greece and Anatolia"@en^^ ,
"settlement"@en^^ ,
"digitisation"@en^^ ,
"pottery"@en^^ ,
"linked open data"@en^^ ,
"data integration"@en^^ ,
"archaeological database"@en^^ ,
"Neolithic sites"@en^^ ,
"Site/monument"@en^^ ,
"lithics"@en^^ ,
"small finds"@en^^ ,
"Neolithic pottery"@en^^ .
""@en .
"Neolithic"@en ,
"Chalcolithic"@en ,
"Bronze Age"@en .
""^^ .
"2023-04-18T07:58:40.148452"^^ .
"sstuhec" .
""^^ .