working group discussion between students on measures for preventing acts of terrorism (EDwgd6)
"working group discussion between students on measures for preventing acts of terrorism (EDwgd6)"@en .
"dstoxreiter" ,
"public" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2022-04-06Z"^^ .
"301415"^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:50:43.997431"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2013-01-31"^^ .
"2005-06-01"^^ .
"year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-31T00:00:00.000000},
author = {Seidlhofer, Barbara and Majewski, Stefan and Osimk-Teasdale, Ruth and Pitzl, Marie-Luise and Radeka, Michael and Dorn, Nora},
bookauthor = {}," .
""^^ .
"This working group discussion takes place at an international summer school as part of a seminar on combating terrorism. The goal of the discussion is to suggest measures for preventing acts of terrorism. The members of the group start by trying to come up with a definition of 'acts of terrorism'. The speakers are acquainted with each other and the power relationships are rather symmetrical. As this discussion is one of several group discussions taking place at the same time, there is a high level of background noise. S1 does not contribute much to the discussion. It is S3 and S7 who mostly lead the discussion. S7 is assigned the role of the speaker for the presentation which follows this event. S9 only joins the group for a couple of minutes although he seems to be part of the group. S10 and S11 are teachers at the summer school and do not participate in the group discussion, but join the group briefly and then leave again."@en .
"Tokens: 5125 and Words: 4421"@en .
"EDwgd6.xml" .
"application/xml" .
"sha1:6eaf6c704f5ed396b36a9af46534ba9520829075" .
""^^ .
"EDwgd6" .
""^^ .
"301415"^^ .
"" .
"interculturality"@en^^ ,
"part-of-speech tagging"@en^^ ,
"English as a lingua franca"@en^^ ,
"multilingualism"@en^^ ,
"lemmatization"@en^^ ,
"educational working group discussion"@en^^ ,
"interaction"@en^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:50:44.006411"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
""^^ .
"POS 2.0" .