question-answer session on issues involved in the organization of bi- and multilingual universities (PRqas18)
"question-answer session on issues involved in the organization of bi- and multilingual universities (PRqas18)"@en .
"dstoxreiter" ,
"public" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2022-04-06Z"^^ .
"110684"^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:45:53.516675"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2013-01-31"^^ .
"2005-06-01"^^ .
"year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-31T00:00:00.000000},
author = {Seidlhofer, Barbara and Breiteneder, Angelika and Klimpfinger, Theresa and Majewski, Stefan and Osimk-Teasdale, Ruth and Pitzl, Marie-Luise and Radeka, Michael},
bookauthor = {}," .
""^^ .
"This question-answer session takes place in the framework of a conference on bi- and multilingual universities. This particular session is about quality assurance of international and intercultural programs. S2 is the main speaker, presenting a program developed at her home university in Norway. She talks about her experience as a teacher. The audience seems involved as there is frequent minimal feedback. Members of the audience also respond immediately to S2's inquiries about technical issues. S2 is introduced by S1, the chair of the session, who then also coordinates the question-answer part. In this part, S5 asks a question. Finally, S1 steps in and closes the discussion."@en .
"Words: 3023"@en .
"PRqas18.xml" .
"application/xml" .
"sha1:9c900e2a25c583cbb6c6cc77c6ca20649643ba5e" .
""^^ .
"PRqas18" .
""^^ .
"110684"^^ .
"" .
"multilingualism"@en^^ ,
"interaction"@en^^ ,
"professional research/science question-answer session"@en^^ ,
"English as a lingua franca"@en^^ ,
"interculturality"@en^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:45:53.522358"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
""^^ .
"2.0" .