working group discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of different scenarios concerning the future of English in Europe (EDwgd241)
"working group discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of different scenarios concerning the future of English in Europe (EDwgd241)"@en .
"dstoxreiter" ,
"public" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2022-04-06Z"^^ .
"466696"^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:02:37.304814"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2011-05-31"^^ .
"2005-06-01"^^ .
"year = {2011},
date = {2011-05-31T00:00:00.000000},
author = {Seidlhofer, Barbara and Breiteneder, Angelika and Klimpfinger, Theresa and Majewski, Stefan and Pitzl, Marie-Luise},
bookauthor = {}," .
""^^ .
"This working group discussion is part of a European student conference on the future of English in Europe. In previous discussions the participants had to come up with four possible models concerning the future of English in Europe. This particular speech event features the discussion in one of the four subgroups. The participants discuss the various language scenarios that were presented previously and list advantages as well as disadvantages. They also talk about recommendations regarding the teaching of English as a lingua franca. S2 joins the discussion a bit later. S21 is one of the organizers of the larger conference and joins the group from time to time to settle organizational matters. Since all groups are discussing in parallel in a big lunch hall there is a lot of background noise - talking, whispering and laughing. Towards the end of the recording the background noise gets louder and louder as people get up to get their lunch."@en .
"Words: 10834"@en .
"EDwgd241.xml" .
"application/xml" .
"sha1:9d32ac12e7147cc92415f2f45dc50047493980aa" .
""^^ .
"EDwgd241" .
""^^ .
"466696"^^ .
"" .
"interculturality"@en^^ ,
"multilingualism"@en^^ ,
"educational working group discussion"@en^^ ,
"interaction"@en^^ ,
"English as a lingua franca"@en^^ .
"2022-04-06T10:02:37.310308"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
""^^ .
"1.0" .