Part-of-Speech Tagging and Lemmatization Manual (1 st revised version May 2014)
"Part-of-Speech Tagging and Lemmatization Manual (1 st revised version May 2014)"@en .
"dstoxreiter" ,
"public" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2022-04-06T09:56:06.003812"^^ .
"1072038"^^ .
"2022-04-06T12:12:55.049537"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
"2014-05-31"^^ .
"2011-06-01"^^ .
"year = {2014},
date = {2014-05-31T00:00:00.000000},
author = {Seidlhofer, Barbara and Osimk-Teasdale, Ruth and Radeka, Michael},
bookauthor = {},
" .
"Part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging), i.e. the assignment of word class categories to tokens in a corpus, has become a standard feature in corpus annotation. The obvious advantage of POS tagging for corpus users is that it enhances the searchability of a corpus. POS tagging provides additional information about the (corpus) data which corpus users would otherwise have to laboriously work out for themselves. This manual describes the properties and characteristics of POS tagging and lemmatization in VOICE 2.0 POS XML and VOICE 3.0 XML."@en .
"POS-tagging-and-lemmatization-manual.pdf" .
"application/pdf" .
"sha1:c3c9ab804a82eb9140a3fc9ee8ac28d4560f954b" .
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"1072038"^^ .
"lemmatization"@en^^ ,
"part-of-speech tagging"@en^^ .
"2022-04-06T12:12:56.543177"^^ .
"dstoxreiter" .
""^^ .